Rabbi Cat’s musings on parsha Miketz 5785

Shabbat Shalom and Happy Chanukah. (You can listen to and watch Rabbi Cat’s musings by clicking on the image above. We apologize for the lack of captions in the above video, there were technical difficulties.) This week, in parshat Miketz (Genesis 41:1-44:17), we...
Reflecting on the Year & Supporting Our Community

Reflecting on the Year & Supporting Our Community

Here are a few reflections that touched our hearts this year: “Rabbi Cat, you and our BT community are a continuing joy and a much-needed source of hope that we can work for a better world. Bless you for your ceaseless advocacy, leadership, and spiritual guidance.”...
Chanukah 2024/5785

Chanukah 2024/5785

Chanukah is for everyone—and this year, it feels especially resonant. As we reflect on a year filled with liberation struggles, spiritual seeking, and challenges to justice and peace, Chanukah offers a unique opportunity for connection and reflection. This holiday,...

Giving Tuesday 2024/5785

As we enter the season of gratitude and reflection, we invite you to support Beyt Tikkun this Giving Tuesday. Starting in 2024, Beyt Tikkun has embraced a gifting model: all of our services, programs, and events are offered free of charge. While we make donation...

Selichot 2024

Join us for our Selichot service on Saturday, September 28th at 6:30 pm PST. What is Selichot you ask?! Selichot means forgiveness. It is the service that is held the Saturday night before Rosh Hashanah to prepare us for the High Holy Days. During the Selichot...
Palestinian-Jewish Solidarity Statement

Palestinian-Jewish Solidarity Statement

We are outraged by, mourn deeply, and unequivocally condemn the horrific actions of Hamas. According to Israeli sources, more than 1,200 people were killed and 2,900 injured, most of whom were civilians, and over 100 individuals (including children, women, and the...

Rabbi Michael Lerner’s Obituary

On August 28, 2024, at age 81, Rabbi Michael Lerner passed away peacefully in his home, surrounded by his family and close friends. He will be remembered as a lifelong committed activist who worked tirelessly for social change, promoting the philosophy that meaningful...